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Melfrank Engineers is a well – established company in the business of Cooling Towers. Its Operations Began in 1986.

The Major activities of the company are design and manufacturing of cooling Towers and components.


At present the company has the facility to make cooling towers from 30 M^3 / Hr / Cell.

The in house design facilities, helps Melfrank in suggesting a tailor made cost effective cooling tower.

Melfrank Cooling towers are energy efficient and save tremendous recurring cost in power.

Melfrank supplies all kinds of spares and services to maintain wooden, RCC or FRP cooling towers.

The design may be Cross flow, Counter flow or Natural Draft cooling tower.

We also produce components for Humidification Systems, namely High Pressure Fans, Mist Eliminators, Fills Media Etc.

Melfrank designs and manufactures many of its components. Some of the components,

which are now commonly used in cooling towers, are Aerodynamic Energy Efficient FRP Fans, PVC Fills and Drift Eliminator.

Melfrank believes in bringing efficiency to save power. All our components contribute towards energy savings.

All these activities and objectives of Melfrank ensure that its customers get the best value for their money.

This is the reason that many large customers have selected us to maintain their cooling towers, year after year.

Melfrank believes in complete satisfaction to its customers. Melfrank is now looking forward to expand its business

 in industrial service, as it has an excellent relationship with its well-satisfied base of customers.