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Well maintained equipment gives the best operating results and the least maintenance cost. We recommend setting up a regular inspection schedule to ensure effective operation of cooling tower. Use the schedule table to obtain continuously good performance with least tower maintenance. Keep a continuous lubrication and maintenance record for each cooling tower. For a supply of check list forms, contact our sales office or representative.

HOT WATER DISTRIBUTION BASIS: Remove dirt, Algae, leaves, etc. which might get in these basins orifices. It is better to cover the hot water basin by wooden covers or even by asbestos sheets. Please fasten sheets to ensure that the sheets don’t fly during storms etc. Keep the metering orifices in place to ensure the proper water distribution.

Completely open and close flow controls valves at least semi annually to remove any scale on the threads. Before operating valves, measure distance from valve stem guide to operating handle to assist in resetting the valve to the original operating position. Grease the stainless steel stem to prevent scale forming. Lubricate the valves at least once in six months. More frequent re lubrication of valves and valve stems may be dictated by circulating water conditions.

COLD WATER COLLECTING BASINS: Inspect collecting basin occasionally for leaks and repair if necessary. Minor leaks may appear in redwood basins when starting with a dry basin but these generally disappear after the wood becomes soaked. Keep cold water outlets clean and free of debris. Makeup and circulating water controls must operate freely and maintain the desired water quantity in the system.

TOWER FRAMEWORK: Keep framework bolts tight. Pay particular attention to bolts in the mechanical equipment supports. Do not pull washers into the wood.

ELECTRIC MOTOR: Lubricate and maintain each electric motor in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. If repair work is necessary, contact the nearest representative of the motor manufacturer.

FAN: Inspect fan blade surface every six months. Clean fan blade surface by water and soap. No salt or material should deposit on the fan blades. This will change the profile and performance of fan may get deteriorate. The nut and bolts should be checked regularly and tightened every month.

PAINTING: Periodically clean and if necessary, recoat all the metal parts subject to corrosion.

COOLING TOWER WOOD DETERIORATION: Untreated wood in cooling towers can be damaged by decay any time after the first year or two of services. Of decay is discovered and treated in its early stages, serious wood damage can be prevented. Routing inspections should be made to assure that decay is discovered before it is heavily advanced.

Decay is commonly of types, soft rot and pocket rot.

Soft rot is easier to detect because it is almost always on the surface of wood members. It makes the surface soft and week and in its more advanced stage the decayed can be easily removed. This type of rot occurs primarily in the flooded areas of the tower.

Pocket rot as the name implies, occurs in pockets inside of the wood member for this reason it is more difficult to detect than soft rot. Pocket rot is most commonly found in the heavier members in the plenum areas of the tower. One of the best methods of inspection for pocket rot is ‘sounding’ with hammer blows. Members which have pocket rot sound ‘dead’ while non rotted members have a ‘ring’ or ‘live’ sound. Areas which sound dead can be probed with a screw driver or other pointed tool to verify the presence of the pocket rot.

We have staff experienced in inspecting all aspects of wood deterioration and preservative treatment. Contact our office for more information for wood inspection.

FOAMING: Heavy foaming sometimes occur when a new tower is put into operation. This type of foaming generally subsides after a relatively short period of operation. Persistent foaming can be caused by the concentrations of certain combinations of dissolved solids or by contamination of the circulating water with foam-causing compounds. This type of foaming can sometimes be minimized by increasing the blow down, but in some cases foam depressant chemicals must be added to the system. Foam depressants are available from a number of chemical companies.

WATER DISCOLORATION: Woods contain some water soluble substances and these commonly discolor the circulating water on a new tower. This discoloration is not harmful to any of the components in the system and can be ignored. However, a combination of foaming and discolored water can result in staining of adjacent structures. If foam is picked up by air being pulled through the tower and discharged out of the fan cylinders. Avoid operation of fans until the foaming is controlled.